The Personal MBA by Josh Kaufman
Well on its way to becoming a business classic. You’re pretty much guaranteed to get your money’s worth – if not much, much more. (Jason Hesse Real Business)
A sterling effort … a book to be referred to at crucial moments (Philip Delves Broughton Management Today)
File this book under: NO EXCUSES. (Seth Godin, author of Purple Cow and Linchpin)
Cherrypicks the cleverest advice from the most effective business books and condenses it into simple, memorable ideas and tools (
No matter what they tell you, an MBA is not essential. If you combine reading this book with actually trying stuff, you’ll be far ahead in the business game. (Kevin Kelly, founding executive editor of Wired)
Few people know how to get things done better than Josh Kaufman. (David Allen, author of Getting Things Done)
Josh Kaufman has synthesized the most important topics in business into a book that truly lives up to its title. It’s rare to find complicated concepts explained with such clarity. Highly recommended. (Ben Casnocha, author of My Start-Up Life)
Fundamentals are fundamentals. Whether you’re an entrepreneur or an executive at a Fortune 50 company, this book will help you succeed. (John Mang, Vice President, Procter & Gamble)
These concepts really work: I’m booked solid with clients, making eight times more money, feeling far less overwhelmed, and having a lot more fun. If you want to live up to our potential, you can’t afford to miss this book. (Tim Grahl, Founder and CEO, Out:Think Group)
A creative, breakthrough approach to business education. I have an MBA from a top business school, and this book helped me understand business in a whole new way. (Ali Safavi, Executive Director of International Sales & Distribution, The Walt Disney Company)
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